A man holding his head due to a migraine

Almost all of us experience headaches, perhaps due to a tiring day at work or a lack of sleep. However, when these headaches turn into throbbing ones, they might affect our day-to-day lives. These severe headaches are known as migraines and are quite common.

If you're experiencing unbearable migraines, here's a guide to help you. In this blog, we'll discuss some common migraine causes and how you can manage your migraines.

What Causes Migraines?

Although migraines aren't understood entirely, we know that various external factors and our genetics play a part. Migraines can occur due to brainstem changes, trigeminal nerve interactions, etc. In addition, chemical imbalances in the brain's chemicals, such as serotonin, can trigger migraines.

That's because serotonin assists in pain regulation in the nervous system. However, researchers are still assessing the role serotonin plays in triggering migraines.

Migraine Triggers

A woman holding his head due to a migraine

There are various migraine triggers, such as:

  • Hormonal Changes in Women: Changes in estrogen levels, before or during menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy, can trigger migraines among some women. Moreover, hormonal medication, including oral contraceptives, can intensify migraines.
  • Sensory Stimuli:A common reason migraines occur is due to sensory overload, such as flashy bright lights. In addition, loud sounds, and strong odors such as the smell of paint thinners, perfumes, etc., can also induce migraines in some individuals.
  • Stress and Sleep Changes:Excessive stress can contribute to migraines. Besides stress, sleep changes such as sleep deprivation or excess sleep can also cause migraines.
  • Physical Factors: Migraines are often related to physical stress and exhaustion. As a result, numerous physical factors such as intense exertion can induce migraines.
  • Food and Drinks: Skipping meals or consuming excessively processed and salty foods can also trigger migraines. In addition, consuming food additives such as sweeteners and preservatives, like monosodium glutamate (MSG), can prompt migraines. In some cases, excessive caffeine or alcohol can also be the reasons behind migraines.

Migraine Treatment

Managing migraine usually revolves around preventive measures. Generally, migraines can be treated through medications.

These medications are divided into two extensive categories, namely:

  • Preventive Medication: These migraine medication types are consumed regularly to lower migraines' frequency or intensity.
  • Pain Relieving Medication: Pain-relieving medications, also known as abortive or acute treatments, are consumed during a migraine attack. Moreover, these meds aim to alleviate migraine symptoms.

Although various migraine medications are available, your treatment choices depend on the severity and frequency of your migraines and additional medical conditions you may have. Moreover, your doctor might prescribe you medication according to the severity of your migraines.

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